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a bit about me:

“Q is the letter of the alphabet that represents innovation. Q’s are also known to be determined individuals who use their intensity to get to where they want to go.”The letter Q is also the first letter of my first name which is Quantasia. Currently I am a senior here at Winston-Salem State University pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Biology. On campus I am apart of several organizations such as Tri-Beta, Team Boss, PURE, and SCI-Tech. After college, I will be working in the Genetics laboratory for Labcorp. Over the past four years, I learned how to achieve my goals, overcome obstacles, and strive for the best. The professors at Winston Salem State University advice, feedback, and even criticism molded me into a successful biological scientist. At first, I did not believe science was an interest, but biology has a wide variety of occupations and different scientific methods. If I could do it all over again, I would and it would be at Winston Salem State University.  

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